A mobile health app for medication management developed for my thesis.
November, 2023
Flutter FirebaseSilent Messaging
This project is a messaging application on the desktop like other social messaging applications like skype and discord however, the messages would be stored on the users PC instead of on a server permanently. This was made as I wanted to learn how users were able to message someone over the internet using sockets and also used some knowledge on multithreading which I took a course in during university to create this application. It is noted that messages are stored temporarily on the server but the messages will be deleted once the receiver has logged on to retrieve those messages.
November, 2022
Python PySimpleGUI Sockets Visit ⏎Silent Messaging
This project is a messaging application on the desktop like other social messaging applications like skype and discord however, the messages would be stored on the users PC instead of on a server permanently. This was made as I wanted to learn how users were able to message someone over the internet using sockets and also used some knowledge on multithreading which I took a course in during university to create this application. It is noted that messages are stored temporarily on the server but the messages will be deleted once the receiver has logged on to retrieve those messages.
November, 2022
Python PySimpleGUI Sockets Visit ⏎3D Body Visualiser
This project was completed during a capstone unit for my University where I worked in a group to create a mobile application to encourage people to start/ continue to exercise by allowing users to visualise what they currently look like via a 3D model and compare this to how they looked like previously. Unfortunately, I cannot share the source code because it belongs to the university as it is an assessment.
September, 2022
Flutter Firebase3D Body Visualiser
This project was completed during a capstone unit for my University where I worked in a group to create a mobile application to encourage people to start/ continue to exercise by allowing users to visualise what they currently look like via a 3D model and compare this to how they looked like previously. Unfortunately, I cannot share the source code because it belongs to the university as it is an assessment.
September, 2022
Flutter FirebasePolar Space
After using linux as my main os for about two years I decided that I would rice my desktop. The linux distribution that I used was Debian as that was the main os that I've stuck with after distro hopping through multiple distros. If you'd like to see how you could set up your desktop to be like mine, you can visit my github repository below.
June, 2022
Shell Visit ⏎Polar Space
After using linux as my main os for about two years I decided that I would rice my desktop. The linux distribution that I used was Debian as that was the main os that I've stuck with after distro hopping through multiple distros. If you'd like to see how you could set up your desktop to be like mine, you can visit my github repository below.
June, 2022
Shell Visit ⏎Pong
This is the classic Pong game that all retro players remember. The absolute beauty of a game like this can never be forgotten. I wanted to remake this game as it was something I played often because of how fun it it was given its simplicity. I also took this opportunity to try creating buttons for you to select the difficulty and whether you wanted to play this solo or against a friend.
August, 2021
C++ SDL2 Visit ⏎Pong
This is the classic Pong game that all retro players remember. The absolute beauty of a game like this can never be forgotten. I wanted to remake this game as it was something I played often because of how fun it it was given its simplicity. I also took this opportunity to try creating buttons for you to select the difficulty and whether you wanted to play this solo or against a friend.
August, 2021
C++ SDL2 Visit ⏎Basic Platformer
This is a basic platformer game that I made during the holidays in my second year of uni as I wanted to teach myself how to write in C++ and use the SDL2 library. You play as a hero who must fight his way through the level slashing down enemies and crates along with collecting keys to open chests and collect coins.
August, 2021
C++ SDL2 Visit ⏎Basic Platformer
This is a basic platformer game that I made during the holidays in my second year of uni as I wanted to teach myself how to write in C++ and use the SDL2 library. You play as a hero who must fight his way through the level slashing down enemies and crates along with collecting keys to open chests and collect coins.
August, 2021
C++ SDL2 Visit ⏎Arduino RC Car
After taking a semester in Introduction to Computer Systems where I had to learn about how to use an arduino during my tutorials to work towards my project of building a maze finding arduino I was hooked into working with arduinos to create projects like an RC Car and more. This was the first thing I built after my semester ended and I was estatic when I got it to work.
August, 2021
Arduino Visit ⏎Arduino RC Car
After taking a semester in Introduction to Computer Systems where I had to learn about how to use an arduino during my tutorials to work towards my project of building a maze finding arduino I was hooked into working with arduinos to create projects like an RC Car and more. This was the first thing I built after my semester ended and I was estatic when I got it to work.
August, 2021
Arduino Visit ⏎Chrome Dinosaur Game Pygame
This is based of the classic T-Rex Dinosaur Game that you played when opened your browser and realised you had no internet. However, the thing is that game was too easy so to make it more challenging the trees and pterodactyl are now able to spawn more randomly and could be grouped together much closer. This would be a bit too difficult of course since you wouldn't make it far so you have the ability to shoot fireballs too. You are only allowed to shoot three fireballs at a time and there is a waiting period between each fireball to be shot. Just know that this game requires both luck and skill to get far.
December, 2020
Python Pygame Visit ⏎Chrome Dinosaur Game Pygame
This is based of the classic T-Rex Dinosaur Game that you played when opened your browser and realised you had no internet. However, the thing is that game was too easy so to make it more challenging the trees and pterodactyl are now able to spawn more randomly and could be grouped together much closer. This would be a bit too difficult of course since you wouldn't make it far so you have the ability to shoot fireballs too. You are only allowed to shoot three fireballs at a time and there is a waiting period between each fireball to be shot. Just know that this game requires both luck and skill to get far.
December, 2020
Python Pygame Visit ⏎